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Fanderson CD Soundtracks for Gerry Anderson TV series

Fanderson is a club for fans of Gerry Anderson shows which include a long history of television productions starting with The Adventures Of Twizzle in 1957 right up to New Captain Scarlett in 2005.

The club is based in the UK and organised by a small committee of longtime Anderson fans who have produced some exceptional merchandise including a comprehensive range of soundtrack albums, some of which have had involvement by Airwolf Themes' producer, Gerry R. Forrester, including ‘SPACE: 1999’ and ‘TERRAHAWKS’.

The merchandise can can only be purchased by club members however the standard of product easily exceeds that of their commercially available equivalents. Chris Bentley who produced the ‘Star Fleet’ liner notes for Gerry R. Forrester's release was chairman of Fanderson in the 1990s and early 2000's and along with a very talented and creative team of individuals such as Andrew Frampton, Tim Mallett, Nick Williams, Glen Pearce and Ralph Titterton, to name a few, had a very prolific period of output which saw the release of most of Andersons music from his live action shows.

Double CD releases were produced for Barry Gray's musical output for both U.F.O. & Space :1999, followed by another two disc album of Derek Wadsworth’s Year 2 score for the latter.

While the ever popular Thunderbirds music was always the obvious choice for commercial licensing, Fanderson was still able to focus on a broad selection of Andersons other puppet productions. So far, extensive albums have been produced for Barry Grays scores for Supercar, The Secret Service, Fireball XL5, Four Feather Falls and Stingray.A single disc release of Richard Harveys notable music for The Terrahawks was also released in 2002.

All releases include extensive liner notes detailing recording and production information, as well as the track details where used the shows. Most of these soundtracks are available now and you can register for membership online at Fanderson CD Soundtracks


AIRWOLF™ is a Trademark of, and licensed to NBC Universal Television Studios © 1984. All images and multi-media content of this website are Copyright Mark J.Cairns © 2014. Under NO circumstances must any images or digital content be used from it on any other websites or media without the express written consent of the Copyright / Intellectual Property owner. All MP3 theme tune files remain the Copyright of Mark J.Cairns, Sylvester Levay and Jan Michal Szulew © 1999 / 2014. The Airwolf Themes soundtrack is the officially licensed score based on the original CBS episodes of the Airwolf TV series. The Replica Helmet is Copyright Steven. W. Stull © 2007 and is only marketed and promoted in good faith on his behalf within this website, but neither Mark J.Cairns nor anyone on the project team receive any benefit whatsoever whether fiscal or otherwise thus any and all communication must go directly to Steven W. Stull.